Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A story of a black janitor in a dream

I have crazy dreams every now and then, and the ones I remember most are ones I have after falling back to sleep. This one might have a message behind it about perspective, but it's just a dream and I didn't really have control over what happened. There were a few other things going on in the dream but this part is what I remember most because it was so damn odd. I felt it was necessary to racially analyse this event. Not because I'm racist, but because I understand the struggle (maybe more than you).

I was in a normal size class room but it looked old and had a high ceiling with wood panel walls and outdoor benches for seating/tables, one of them I was sitting at with another person. There was a TV on the wall playing a violent horror film—something about zombies. As a black janitor comes into the room to do his thing, he looks at the TV the moment two black men appear on screen. He asks openly, "why are they watching this here?" Still looking at the TV, he sees one of the black men single -handedly (yes, literally) shove a chainsaw into the other's neck.

The "black" janitor :)

The scene looked more cartoonish than disturbing to me in the dream because there wasn't any blood at that point, and the guys both just stood still, with the chainsawer's arm and victim's head being the exceptions. The janitor then has a negative reaction that I don't remember specifically but it was something along the lines of a mild-volume but still dramatic "oh god" in a disgusted tone instead of horrified.

Now, for some reason in the dream I knew the majority of the school was white. With this detail, I thought the janitor meant "why are they watching this here?" like it was some kind of anti-black propaganda or at least a black-majority character production and it just didn't make sense for a mostly-white school to be watching it. Or he was just disgusted by the violence being shown onscreen at a school for kids. *shrugs*

But maybe I missed something. Perhaps I missed him seeing some zombies or violence before asking the question—or he had recognized the movie—and he was disturbed by the gruesome action of a chainsaw being shoved into a someone's neck. I guess it depends on what he's sensitive to, but I don't think I'll be able to find out.

Maybe his race doesn't even matter in this situation, and I read into this dream way too far. Nah, it's probably that he's an oppressed black janitor being reminded of his brothers from a past life in the fields. Always gotta remember that on a daily basis to be a healthy-minded black American.

Sorry this wasn't some kind of porn if the title threw you off. heh

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sorry, but Pong is racist and sexist


Games have been less than welcoming to people of color since their inception. Pong is no exception. Who would have thought games were racist before #gamergate? A racist misogynist, that's who! A person blind to the hypocrisy of games.

Just think about this: everything important in Pong is white--pure white to be clear. The paddles, the ball (don't even get me started on how it's not round), the score, and even the dividing line. The background is black, exemplifying that people of color are meaningless background objects. This idea was being reinforced among the mostly white male demographic that were and still are the majority of gamers. That concept has been taken far beyond in covert ways today.

Pong was developed by cis white men. CIS. WHITE. MEN. The most despicable humans—no, subhumans. This is the main reason why we should band together to boycott (girlcott, blackcott, colorcott, etc.) so that the devs will go out of business and then bow down to ME!!! I mean us. Or never mind, they'll just be broke like they should be. This might be hindered by the fact that the game was released in 1972 (a VERY sexist time) and that it's free online and available on mini consoles and knock offs everywhere, but it's the thought that counts! FIRE THE TWITTER CANNONS!!! #banpong

If you haven't been triggered hard enough to be a twitter storm trooper, viewing this video will surely enrage you, as cis white men are having fun and not making out. Once again, the black/white dichotomy is used even in the very production of this video. The contrast of the white and black values symbolizes whites and blacks being at odds with each other. But I digress, just watch the damn video and feel your blood BOIL.

Now, let me get to how pong is sexist, anti-feminist, and anti-women (which is the same as anti-feminist). Have you seen the original controller? It has two square breasts with nipples that are the actual function pieces! It resembles a disembodied torso of our fellow fembotkins and is just a toy to be played with by cis white scum. If the patriarchy isn't so obvious now that you're tweeting digital intercontinental missiles at Atari from your smartphone, you can't call yourself a feminist; you're a parody of a feminist.
Most sexist game controller ever
Most sexist game controller ever

Pong can be fun, but the undertones, overtones, midtones, tertiary tones, etc. are just ruining the game for me and you. If we can band together, we could change the retro gaming industry for better and forever.

Stay fancy, comrades!